My Favorites!

Gourmet Caramel Apples - The I Like Pie Apple

Gourmet Caramel Apples - The I Like Pie Apple

Gourmet Caramel Apples are one of our core products! I mean, there's one in our logo! It always surprises me how excited customers get when they see the window full of hand-dipped caramel apples! Their smiles say it all - I want one!!!

Let's chat about our best-selling apple, the I Like Pie apple. Why is it the best-seller? Well, it tastes just like an apple pie! Let's start from the beginning...

We use Granny Smith apples for all of our caramel apples. The tart, sweet combo is just one we cannot resist! When we make a batch of homemade caramel, it takes about 3 hours and we can dip roughly 60-70 apples.

The I Like Pie Apple, gets dipped in homemade caramel, then, gets dipped in our creamy white chocolate blend and the bottom half gets rolled in our cinnamon sugar mixture and set to dry. We don't like white chocolate, right? Give this guy a try and you won't be disappointed! It does get passed up by customers because of the white chocolate, which makes the apple really sad....

It may not be the prettiest apple we have, but trust us when we say it is THE BEST!

In fact, next time you stop in, buy one and if you don't LOVE it - it's on me!

Check out all of our Gourmet Caramel Apples here!